Supported XMPP extensions

Number XEP NameDescription
Data FormsAllows you to expand the possibilities of interaction with the user jabber services. Can be used for the exchange of structured data
IQ-Based Avatars Allows you to share information about avatars Iq-through queries
Last ActivityAllows you know when the contact was last online
Privacy ListsAllows you to set filtering rules XMPP messages on the server side
Invisible PresenceAllows you to hide from other users by sending the server a message about the presence of (Presence)
Feature NegotiationThis protocol is used to negotiate the parameters of the various sessions between two zhabber-nodes
Service DiscoveryAllows you to see a list of available services in the jabber-site, as well as learn about the features themselves assemblies and related items
Multi-User ChatAllows you to create, join and manage multi-user conference
In-Band BytestreamsAllows two nodes jabber-exchange binary data through the connection to the server
Bookmarks Lets you create and store on the server tab at the conference and the link URL
Private XML StorageAllows you to store on the server are named arbitrary data
Ad-Hoc CommandsAllows you to execute various commands provided by jabber-nodes
Vcard-tempAllows you to publish information about themselves and ask for information about other contacts
Jabber Search Allows you to search for contacts or other information on the jabber-nodes
SOCKS5 BytestreamsAllows two nodes jabber-exchange binary data over a separate TCP or UDP connection
Out of Band DataOut of Band Data
XHTML-IMPossibility of use in the design of communication XHTML tags
In-Band RegistrationAllows you to register on the jabber-server or random jabber-node
User LocationThe user's location
Nested Roster GroupsAllows you to create nested groups of contacts
Chat State NotificationsAllows two customers to share information about user activity in chat
Legacy Entity TimeOld way to find out the local time jabber-node
Software VersionAllows you to get the version of the application remote jabber-node
Stream InitiationInitialize the random flow of data between two zhabber - nodes
SI File TransferAllows to use XEP-0095: Stream Initiation for file transfer
Gateway InteractionDescribes the interaction of jabber client transports to other IM systems, as well as to simplify the process of adding a contact through the transport
JID EscapingDescribes a method for the screening of prohibited characters in the Jabber ID
User MoodUser Mood
User ActivityUser Activity
Jabber Component ProtocolJabber Component Protocolr
Entity Capabilities Allows caching of information about opportunities jabber-node, which in turn can significantly reduce traffic in jabber-network
User TuneMelody playing at the user currently
Data Forms ValidationAllows to set the criteria to verify the correctness of the client-side user input
Service Discovery ExtensionsAllows you to include additional information in the structured data on the possibilities jabber-node
Waiting ListsWaiting Lists
Message ArchivingAllows you to keep a history of messages on server
Publishing Stream Initiation RequestsAllows to publish files, available for download and request such files
Stream CompressionAllows you to apply the compression stream between client and server
Data Forms LayoutAllows you to organize and group the form fields with the data by creating pages, sections, and determining the order in which they
Roster Item ExchangeAllows you to share elements of the roster, as well as recommend to add, delete, or rename the contact 
AnnotationsAllows you to add comments to the contacts 
XMPP URI Scheme Query ComponentsAllows you to perform certain operations on the basis of the request URI
vCard-Based AvatarsAllows you to store an avatar to vCard-th user and to notify his change
Stanza Session Negotiation Adapts the session between two jabber - nodes
CAPTCHA FormsPrevents undesired mass messages to jabber networks 
Personal Eventing ProtocolThe protocol for the exchange of personal notices
User NicknameUser Nickname
Message ReceiptsNotifications sending messages
XMPP PingAllows the exchange of ping-s through the XMPP connection
Entity TimeAllows you to see the local time jabber-node 
Delayed DeliveryDelayed delivery of letters
Data Forms Media ElementAllows you to add data forms of media elements - images, sounds or videos
Bits of BinaryAllows you to transfer small amounts of binary data directly in the XML stanza
Software InformationCan transmit information about the version of the application directly to the information on the possibilities of the client
Roster VersioningAllows you to receive when you connect the entire roster is not a whole, but only the changes since the last connection
The /me CommandCommand “/me”
Direct MUC InvitationsAllows to invite another user into MUC by sending a special message
Message CarbonsAllows to synchronize chat between resources

XMPP extensions under development
User Avatar Avatars. Allows to set and display avatars
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) over XMPPExchange of information on disasters, catastrophes, accidents
JingleModern protocol to establish a connection between the two Jaber-nodes to exchange data streams
Jingle RTP SessionsAudio and video between two Jabber-nodes by Jingle
Jingle ICE-UDP Transport MethodUsing ICE-UDP as a transport Jingle
Jingle Raw UDP Transpot MethodUsing Raw UDP as a transport Jingle
Jingle File TransferTransferring files by Jingle
Jingle SOCKS5 Bytestreams Transport MethodThe data flow through SOCKS5, by Jingle
Jingle In-Band Bytestreams Transport MethodIntracanal data stream by Jingle
Microblogging over XMPPRealtime based on XMPP
Jingle Relay NodesSelecting a mediator of several candidates for the communication between two nodes Jabber, by Jingle