| Name | Description |
| abbreviations | Abbreviations. Translates commonly used online abbreviations |
| accountmanager | Account manager. Allows the creation and editing of Jabber accounts |
| attention | Attention. Triggers XEP-0244: Signal used for alerting contacts |
| activity | Activity. Triggers XEP-0108: A user’s current activity |
| adiummessagestyle | Adium-styled messages. Allows the usage of Adium-styled messages |
| annotations | Annotations. Allows the referencing of comments to contacts in the roster (contact list) |
| autostatus | Auto Status. Allow the automatic change of status through inactivity period |
| avatars | Avatars. Installs and displays user avatars |
| birthdayreminder | Birthday Reminder. Notifications upon friends’ birthdays (roster contacts) |
| bitsofbinary | Bits Of Binary. Binary data. Allows other modules to transmit and receive small binary data in an XMPP interface |
| boburlhandler | BOB URL handler. BOB link processing. Allows URL process to work with binary links (cid: structure) |
| bookmarks | Bookmarks. Creates bookmarks on Jabber conferences and webpages |
| captchaforms | CAPTCHA Forms. Makes human tests without the need of a browser |
| chatmessagehandler | Chat Messages. Allows the exchange of chat messages |
| chatstates | Contact activity notification. Allows activity information exchange in the chat |
| clienticons | Client Icons. Displays client icons in the roster |
| clientinfo | Client Information. Sending and receiving information on application version, local time and last known contact activity |
| commands | Ad-Hoc Commands. Performs commands provided by various services |
| compress | XMPP stream compression. Allows the compression of server information streaming |
| connectionmanager | Connection manager. Allows the use of different connection methods to Jabber servers |
| console | Console. Allows the viewing of the XML stream between the client and the server |
| contactproximitynotification | Contact proximity notification. Notifies users upon approaching of roster contacts |
| dataforms | Data Forms Manager. Allows other modules to process and display the form with the data intended for user |
| datastreamsmanager | Data Streams Manager. Allows to initiate a custom stream of data between two XMPP entities |
| defaultconnection | Default Connection. Allows a standard TCP connection to a server |
| emoticons | Emoticons. Allows the use of emoticons in the chats |
| filemessagearchive | File Message Archive. Allows the storage of messages in local archives |
| filestreamsmanager | File Streams Manager. Allows the initialization of a file stream between two XMPP entities |
| filetransfer | File Transfer. Allows the transmission of a file to another contact |
| gateways | Interaction with gateways. Allows the use of gateways into other IM systems |
| inbandstreams | In-Band Data Stream. Vertical data stream. Initiallizes in-band stream between two XMPP entities |
| geoloc | A user’s geolocation. Triggers XEP-0080: User’s geolocation |
| iqauth | Authorization through request. Jabber login without the need of a SASL autorization |
| jabbersearch | Jabber search. Allows searching in the Jabber network |
| mainwindow | Main window. Allows other modules to display their properties on the main window |
| map | Map. Downloads and displays maps from various sources |
| mapsource2gis | Maps from 2GIS. Allows the display of maps from 2GIS |
| mapsourcebing | Maps from Bing. Allows the display of maps from Bing от Microsoft |
| mapsourceesri | Maps from Esri. Allows the display of maps from Esri services |
| mapsourcegoogle | Maps from oogle. Allows the display of maps from Google |
| mapsourcekosmosnimki | Maps from Cosmosnimki. Allows the display of maps from Cosmosnimki |
| mapsourcemailru | Maps from Mail.ru. Allows the display of maps from Mail.ru services |
| mapsourcemegafon | Maps from Megafon. Allows the display of maps from MegaFon Navigator |
| mapsourcenavitel | Maps from Navitel. Allows the display of maps from Navitel services |
| mapsourcenavteq | Maps from Navteq. Allows the display of maps from Navteq |
| mapsourceosm | Maps from OSM. Allows the display of maps from Open Street |
| mapsourceovi | Maps from HERE. Allows the display of maps from Nokia HERE services |
| mapsourceprogorod | Maps from PROGOROD. Allows the display of maps from PROGOROD |
| mapsourcevitel | Maps from Vi-Tel. Allows the display of maps from Vi-Tel services |
| mapsourcewiki | Maps from Wikimapia. Allows the display of maps from Wikimapia |
| mapsourceyahoo | Maps from Yahoo!. Allows the display of maps from Yahoo! |
| mapsourceyandex | Maps from Yandex. Allows the display of maps from Yandex |
| mapsourcerumap | Maps from RuMap. Allows the display of maps from Geocentre Consulting |
| mapsourcerosreestr | Maps from ROSREESTR. Allows the display of maps from ROSREESTR services |
| mapcontacts | Map contacts. Displays location-sharing roster contacts on the map |
| maplocationselector | Map location selector. Allows other plug-ins to select locations on the map |
| mapmagnifier | Map magnifier. Allows the magnification of smaller parts of the map |
| mapmessage | Map messages. Displays incoming chat messages on the map |
| mapscene | Map scene. Downloads and displays maps from various services |
| mapsearch | Map search. Allows the search of items on the map with various sources |
| mapsearchprovidergoogle | Google map searching service. Retrieves map search results from Google |
| mapsearchproviderosm | OSM map searching service. Retrieves map search results from OSM |
| mapsearchprovider2gis | 2GIS map searching service. Retrieves map search results from 2GIS |
| mapsearchprovideryandex | Yandex map searching service. Retrieves map search results from Yandex |
| mapsearchprovidernavitel | Navitel map searching service. Retrieves map search results from Navitel |
| mapsearchproviderhere | HERE map searching service. Retrieves map search results from Nokia HERE |
| mmplayer | Multimedia player. Plays multimedia files when received |
| ffmpeg | Parses/codes/decodes multimedia streams with FFMPEG libraries |
| mood | Mood. Triggers XEP-0107: User’s mood |
| messagearchiver | Message history. Allows the storage of message history |
| messagecarbons | Message duplicates. Allows the duplication of the same message stream across multiple devices |
| messageprocessor | Message manager. Allows other modules to send and receive messages |
| messagestyles | Message styles manager. Allows the configuration of various styling for messages |
| messagewidgets | Message widget manager. Allows other modules to you use standard widgets for messaging |
| metacontacts | Metacontacts. Joins separate contacts into metacontacts |
| multiuserchat | Multi-user chat. Allows the use of multi-user Jabber conferences |
| nickname | Triggers XEP-0172: The user’s nickname |
| normalmessagehandler | Normal message. Allows the exchange of ordinary messages |
| notifications | Notifications manager. Allows other modules to notify the user |
| oob | Channel-independent data. Triggers XEP-0066: Data outside of the channel |
| optionsmanager | Settings manager. Saves, loads and edits the user’s preferences |
| poi | Points of Interest. Saves, stores and edits the user’s Points of Interest |
| positioning | Geolocation manager. Retrieves the device’s geolocation informationn |
| positioningmethodmanual | Manual geolocation - Allows the user to manually set his position |
| positioningmethodserialport | Retrieves geolocation through the serial port |
| positioningmethodIP | Retrieves geolocation through the IP address |
| IPproviderfreegeoip | Allows the use of freegeoip.net for retrieving IP geolocation data |
| presence | Presence manager. Allows other modules to retrieve presence information from roster contacts |
| privacylists | Privacy lists. Allows the use of a contact blacklist |
| privatestorage | Private storage. Allows other modules to store their respective data on the server |
| pepmanager | PEP Manager. Allows other plugins to retrieve and send information regarding personal events |
| placeview | Location preview manager. Retrieves photos from certain geolocations through their respective coordinates |
| placeviewprovidergoogle | Google Location Images. Retrieves location images from Google |
| receipts | Delivery. Triggers XEP-0184: Notification upon message delivery |
| recentcontacts | Recent contacts. Displays recently-interacted contacts |
| registration | Registration. Allows user registration on Jabber servers |
| remotecontrol | Remote control. Allows remote client manipulation |
| roster | Roster manager. Allows other modules to retrieve roster information |
| rosterchanger | Roster editor. Allows the manipulation of the roster |
| rosteritemexchange | Roster element exchange. Allows the sharing of contacts from the contact list |
| rostersearch | Search across the contact list. Allows the searching of users in the roster |
| rostersmodel | Roster model. Manages a hierarchical view of the roster |
| rostersview | Roster display. Displays the hierarchical view of the roster |
| saslauth | SASL login. Allows server login through SASL information |
| servermessagearchive | Server message archive. Allows the storage of message history on the server |
| servicediscovery | Service overview. Retrieves information about Jabber services |
| sessionnegotiation | Jabber Session Manager. Initialises a session between two entities, identifying the XMPP exchange rules |
| shortcutmanager | Hotkey manager. Manages user-defined hotkeys |
| simplemessagestyle | Simplified message styling. Allows the use of simplified messages |
| socksstreams | SOCKS5 Data Stream. Initializes SOCKS5 between two XMPP entities |
| spellchecker | Autocorrection. Highlights typographical errors |
| stanzaprocessor | XMPP stanza manager. Allows other modules to exchange XMPP stanzas |
| starttls | StartTLS. Establishes secure connection with server after initialization |
| statuschanger | Status manager. Changes status in the Jabber network |
| statusicons | Status-icon manager. Sets up status icons on other contacts based on predefined rules |
| statistics | Statistics. Collects application statistics |
| streetview | Street View. Observes panoramic street views |
| streetviewprovidergoogle | Uses Google as Street View content source |
| traymanager | Tray Manager. Allows other modules to configure the tray icon |
| tune | Music. Triggers XEP-0118: Music currently played by the user |
| tunelisteneraimp | AIMP Music Listener. Allows the Music Plugin to receive the current music played by AIMP |
| tunelistenerfile | File Music Listener. Allows the Music Plugin to receive the music currently played by the disc |
| tunelistenerwinamp | WINAMP Music Listener. Allows the Music Plugin to receive the current music played by WINAMP |
| tuneinforequesterlastfm | Last_fm music requester. Retrieves music information from last.fm |
| urlprocessor | URL Processor. Lets plugins download information listed by a given URL |
| vcard | VCard Manager. Retrieves contact information |
| xmppstreams | XMPP Stream Manager. Allows other modules to create XMPP streams and have their respective access |
| xmppuriqueries | XMPP URI Queries. Allows other modules to interpret XMPP URI queries |
| xhtmlim | Triggers XEP-0071: XHTML-IM |
| weather | Weather viewer. Retrieves weather information |
| wizardaccount | Connection Wizard. Simplified wizard for connection to Jabber networks |
| wizardtransport | Transportation Wizard. Connects to other XMPP Ports |